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Weird and Dead Stuff
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You are on Alaska Page 1



Page 1 (You are on page 1, scroll down to view):

CARVINGS FOR SALE: Alaskan ivory & bone carvings: Antler, Alligator, Baleen (Bowhead, Minke whale), Bear, Billiken, Bird, Bolo, Bracelet, Business card holder

Click to:

Page 2 CARVINGS: Claw, Cribbage board, Doll, Duck, Earrings, Fans, Figurines, Fish, Gloves, Knives/Letter Openers, Mammoth, Masks, Mittens, Moose, Moose Hoof, Necklaces, Pendants, Oosiks

Page 3 CARVINGS: Otter, Ox, Pins, Planes (airplane), Purse, Ram (Dall sheep), Seal, Shaman, Sleds, Shark, Ship, Teeth, Tie, Toe, Totem, Vase

Page 4  CARVINGS: Walrus, Walrus whisker earrings & toothpicks, Walrus head tusk mounts, Walrus skulls, lower jaws; Whale, Yo-yo's

Page 5  DOUG SMITH, Alaskan artist, Collection for sale

Page 6 TRAVEL PHOTOS Barrow, Alaska October 5-10 2007 and October 10-21, 2006 trip

Page 7 TRAVEL PHOTOS Barrow, Alaska (July 2-3, 2006)

 Page 8  TRAVEL PHOTOS Alaska (June 21-July 8, 2006 first half of trip)

Page 9  TRAVEL PHOTOS Alaska (June 21-July 8, 2006 second half of trip)

Page 10  Carvings of Mark McFarland , Alaskan artist in Fossil walrus ivory and serpentine stone

Page 11  JOE BLATCHFORD, Native Eskimo Artist, Exclusive page of his work

Page 12  Virtual Tour of New Bedford, Massachusetts WHALING MUSEUM





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Ivory and bone carvings of animals and Eskimo activities.  This category is close to our heart, you will see this page changing constantly, now that we have opened up this avenue to share.

This is Genuine Native Alaskan art work, well documented, so your collectible retains as much provenance as we can provide.  They are a result of strictly regulated legal hunting of these animals by subsistence Native Eskimo people who carve them for re-sale for their livelihood.

Items are hand made by Native Barrow Eskimo (Inuit/Inupiat) or Native St. Lawrence Island Eskimo (Siberian Yupik).

No shipping outside the U.S. of these items due to the Marine Mammal Act regulations





Alligator carved of fossil walrus ivory, simply carved, Etch signed "Herman Toolie, Savoonga" on underside.  Measures 3-1/4" long x 1" wide x 3/8" tall.

$125  SOLD



Okay, we start out with Non-Native work, these are by an Alaskan artist, Doug Albricht



Eagle ceiling or wall hanging

Created by Doug Albricht, signed; carved from fallow deer antler

18" long x 9" tall x 7" deep

Weight 2 pounds

$365 SOLD



Eagle theme, antler on base

Signed Doug Albricht  (Alaska)

Carved from Caribou antler shovel

11" tall x 10-1/2" wide x 3-1/2" deep

Weight 1 pound 1 oz.

$245 SOLD

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Caribou antler on one end, walrus tusk on the other end.  Premier piece!

By Native artist Miller Kingeekuk (signed on back

Measures overall 21" long.

Walrus tusk portion measures 13-3/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1/2" deep

Antler portion measures 8-3/4" long x 9-3/8" tall x 1-1/4" deep

Displays nicely on its own with a baleen peg in the back.

Superbly Scrimmed with 3 walrus heads on the antler portion, a baleen band divider, and an Eskimo contemplating the ocean and mountains, and a detailed harpoon head on the point.  Black dot details are drilled and inked.




From BARROW, ALASKA unless otherwise marked

What is baleen?  Fronds of baleen hang down inside the whale's mouth, the hairs on it catch plankton that it eats.  Baleen is made of keratin (the same material as our fingernails but much thicker).  It can be cut, polished and etched by Native Eskimo people into beautiful art work

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Exceptional detail, geometric design; By Perry Nasuk Matumeak; 10" wide x 4-3/4" tall

 $185  SOLD

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Exceptional detail, geometric design; By Perry Nasuk Matumeak; 5" wide x 7" tall


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Exceptional detail, geometric design; By Perry Nasuk Matumeak; 8" wide x 5" tall

 $185  SOLD

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Exceptional detail, geometric design; By Perry Nasuk Matumeak; 10-3/4" wide x 3-1/2" tall


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Exceptional detail, geometric design; By Perry Nasuk Matumeak; 11-1/4" wide x 3-3/4" tall


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"Eskimo Whaling" etching by Alec Okakok, Barrow AK; 13-1/2" long x 5-1/2" tall; Eskimo spring whaling scene when they still use the skin boat.  Midnight sun shows when we hunt the whale

$190  SOLD

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Eskimo hunter with spear meets a huge polar bear, etching by Alec Okakok, Barrow AK; measures 10-1/2" wide x 4-1/2" tall

$160  SOLD

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Etching of 2 wolf cubs, 13-1/2" long x 3-1/2" widest, signed JH

$125  SOLD

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Rare golden baleen, walrus etching, 5-1/2" long x 4-1/2" tall, signed JH

$105 SOLD

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Waving Eskimo outside igloo, food cache to the right; 20" long x 2" high, signed John Teedseak

$160  SOLD

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Natural baleen end with hairlike ends; measures 13-1/2" long x 5-3/4" widest; signed by W.A., Barrow AK, 2007"  (for Whitlam Adams)  SOLD

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Have you ever seen one?  Neither had we, until our trip to Barrow Alaska where we met Whitlam Adams and bought the only 2 he had.

Made with bowhead whale baleen by Whitlam Adams, Barrow Alaska.  Walrus ivory bear finial on top by Genelle Patkotak Okpeaha.  Design is tapered wider at the bottom.  Felt lined and bottom; brass hinges & latch.  Measures 4-1/2" long x 3-1/4" wide x 3-1/4" tall; finial is 1-3/8" tall x 2-1/4" long.

 $950 SOLD to K

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Made with bowhead whale baleen by Whitlam Adams, Barrow Alaska.  Bear finial on top (walrus ivory) by Genelle Patkotak Okpeaha. .  Design is tapered wider at the bottom.  Green felt lined and bottom; brass hinges & latch.  Measures 3-3/4" tall x 3-1/2" wide x 3-1/2" deep.  Tail measures 1-3/4" tall x 1-1/8" wide x 1-3/4" long

Display only, Heidi's other treasure.  Value:  $1075+ UNAVAILABLE FOR SALE



Etched Stylized Raven in Northwest Native Eskimo style. Measures 5-7/8" wide x 4" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.



Etched Polar bear with rising sun in background horizon, Measures 7-1/4" long x 3-3/4" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.



Flying goose etching, baleen measures 8-3/4" long x 3" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.



Flying bald-headed eagle with sun image etching, measures 9" wide x 5-1/4" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.



Standing Caribou on landscape with rising sun etching, measures 8-1/4" wide x 4" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.



Majestic Moose with snowy mountain peaks and rising sun etching, measures 11" wide x 5" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.



Baleen bowhead whale etching, measures 6-1/2" wide x 2" tall x 1/8" thick.  Extra long hair.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.

$85  SOLD


"Alaska" etched like sewn stitching, with sunburst etching.  This is the end point of the baleen, hair is very long.  Measures 12-1/2" long (not including extra hair off end) x 1-1/2" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed R. Katairoak, Barrow AK.

$85  SOLD

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Thick disk of whale baleen measures 1-7/8" diameter x 3/16" thick.  Etched with a killer whale.  Signed Hegerth Kingeekuk Jr., Savoonga AK '06.  Nice little souvenir piece

$90  SOLD

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Thick disk of whale baleen measures 1-7/8" diameter x 3/16" thick.  Etched with a killer whale.  Signed Hogerth Kingeekuk Jr., Savoonga AK '06.  Nice little souvenir piece

$90  SOLD

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Thick disk of whale baleen measures 1-7/8" diameter x 3/16" thick.  Etched with a killer whale.  Signed Hegerth Kingeekuk Jr., Savoonga AK '06.  Nice little souvenir piece

$90  SOLD

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Golden striped baleen, with walrus ivory bird.  Hole in top for wall hanging.

Measures 9-3/8" long a 4-3/8" wide x 1/8" thick.  Bird itself is 5" tall x 1" wide x 1/4" thick.

Signed "Slwooko" (Jr. Slwooko, deceased), Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska


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Golden striped baleen, with walrus ivory bird.  Hole in top for wall hanging.  Measures 8-1/8" tall x 3-3/4" wide x 1/8" thick.  Bird itself is 4-3/4" tall x 7/8" wide x 1/4" thick.

Signed "Slwooko" (Jr. Slwooko, deceased), Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska


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Golden striped baleen, with walrus ivory bird.  Hole in top for wall hanging.

Measures 9-3/8" tall a 3-5/8" wide x 1/8" thick.  Bird itself is 5-1/4" tall x 1-1/8" wide x 1/4" thick.

Signed "Slwooko" (Jr. Slwooko, deceased), Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska



Golden striped baleen, with walrus ivory bird.  No hole in top.

Signed "Slwooko" (Jr. Slwooko, deceased), Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska


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Golden striped baleen, with walrus ivory bird.  Hole in top for wall hanging.

Measures 9-1/2" tall a 4-1/2" wide x 1/8" thick.  Bird itself is 5-1/4" tall x 1-1/8" wide x 1/4" thick.

Signed "Slwooko" (Jr. Slwooko, deceased), Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska


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Small thick baleen with 2nd piece of baleen carved as a bowhead whale.  Measures 4-1/4" wide x 2-1/4" tall x 1/8" thick.  Whale itself is 3-7/8" long x 1-1/2" tall x 1/4" thick.  Signed "Michael Palmer Apatiki" and "MPA" on reverse; Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.  Drilled on each side and strung with a baling string for hanging

$145  SOLD-J

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Teardrop shaped golden striped baleen, with tiny oosik glued to it (possibly seal).  Baleen measures 5-3/4" wide x 7" tall  x 1/8" thick.  Oosik measures 3-1/2" long.  Hole drilled in top for hanging.  Signed Clinton Booshu, Gambell, AK.

$185  SOLD

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Small baleen with walrus head & tusks in walrus ivory glued to it.  Measures 3" tall x 1-5/8" wide x 3/16" thick.  Walrus head/tusks measure 2-1/2" tall x 3/4" wide x 1/4" thick.  Hole drilled in top for hanging.  Signed Quentin Oseuk, Gambell AK.

$95  SOLD

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Baleen rectangle with two walruses in walrus ivory glued to it.  Measures 6-1/8" wide x 3-5/8" tall x 1/4" thick.  Top walrus measures 4-1/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall x 1/8" thick; Bottom walrus measures 3-1/2" long x 1-1/4" tall x 1/8" thick.  Signed "RAJ" on reverse (Ralph Apatiki Jr), Gambell AK

$245  SOLD-J





Rare one-time acquisition - Eskimo worked Minke whale baleen.  Here is the whole associated sheaf (not in the right order, I am sure), but you get the idea of how these grow in the whale's mouth

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Average size: 7-9" tall x 2-1/8" wide x 1/16" thick.

Etching by Eskimo Native Frank Seppilu, Savoonga (St. Lawrence Island), Alaska

Beautiful golden blonde natural coloring

Description of each etching below (these are very simple etchings).

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Bowhead whale  $90

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Spotted seal on ice  $90

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Bowhead whale (lengthwise)  SOLD

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Eskimo hunter on ice, hunting polar bear on ice (lengthwise)  $90

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Walrus on ice (lengthwise)  $90

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Bowhead whale (lengthwise)  $90

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Walrus on ice (lengthwise)  $90

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Walrus on ice (lengthwise)  $90

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Bowhead whale  $90

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Bowhead whale (lengthwise)  $90

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Bowhead whale (lengthwise)  $90

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Bowhead whale  $90

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Eskimo in boat, hunting walrus on ice (lengthwise)  $90

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Eskimo in boat, hunting bowhead whale (lengthwise)  SOLD

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Bowhead whale (lengthwise)  $90

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3 Eskimo hunters paddling boat, bowhead whale beneath (lengthwise) (5-1/4" tall)  $90

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Bowhead whale  $90

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Bowhead whale  $90

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Walrus on ice  $90

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Seal on ice  $90

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Bowhead whale  SOLD

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Bowhead whale  $90

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Seal on ice  $90



Though small, baleen baskets are very dear in price as a specialty item from the Native Eskimo people.  The best artists take years to perfect a tight weave and perfectly symmetrical basket.

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Simply made Baleen basket made with thin strips of polished bowhead whale baleen.  Measures 2-1/4 diameter x 2-7/8" to top of whale tail finial.  Signed by Jerry Hawley.

 $600  SOLD to K

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Measures 3-1/8" tall x 2-1/2" diameter.  Walrus ivory bear head finial and bottom disk.  Inside bottom disk is etched "Alaska", underside, artist signed Harry Hank (Barrow, AK)


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Measures 3" tall x 2-5/8" diameter.  Fossil walrus ivory seal head finial on top, modern walrus ivory disk on bottom.  Signed Harry Hank (Barrow AK)


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Measures 3-3/4" tall x 3" diameter.  Walrus ivory whale tail finial on top, walrus ivory disk on bottom.  "Alaska" etched on inside of basket on disk, underside signed Harry Hank (Barrow AK)




Signatures where indicated

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Bear with fish, and bear, iceberg (all 3 are walrus ivory), on sheaf of woolly mammoth tooth as base.  Measures 5-1/4" long x 2-5/8" wide x 1-1/2" tall.  Bears are each 1-3/4" long.  By Leonard Savage

$345  SOLD

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Bear is walrus ivory; iceberg & base are woolly  mammoth ivory; 2-3/8" long x 2-1/8" wide x 1-7/8" tall (bear is 1-3/8" tall), not signed

$78  SOLD

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Bear is walrus ivory, base is whale fossil vertebrae disk; 3" long x 2-3/8" wide x 2" tall (bear is 2-3/4" long), artist Genelle Patkotak Okpeaha, not signed;

$225  SOLD

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Bear in walrus ivory is 1-3/8" tall x 3/4" wide, artist Genelle Patkotak Okpeaha, signed G.O.; baleen eyes & nose

$90  SOLD

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Bear is walrus ivory, 1-1/2" long x 1" tall x 5/8" wide on 24" goldtone necklace, by Genelle Patkotak Okpeaha, not signed;

$75  SOLD

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Walrus ivory, 1-1/8" tall x 5/8" wide, by Genelle Patkotak Okpeaha, signed "GO"; baleen eyes & nose

$75  SOLD

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Fossil whale bone of bear on its side, signed by Julian Seppilu, is 9" long x 5-1/2" tall x 4-7/8" wide


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Fossil whale bone  of mother bear and 2 cubs on her back, signed by Uglowook, Gambell, it is 7" long x 4-5/8" tall x 5" wide


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Fossil whale bone of standing bear (6-1/4" long x 3-1/4" tall x 3-1/4" wide), signed by Uglowook, Gambell


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Fossil whale bone of standing bear (6-7/8" long x 4-1/2" tall x 4" wide), by Uglowook, Gambell

$390  SOLD

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Walrus ivory walking bear with fish on slice of ivory (1-15/16" long x 1-1/8" tall x 1-1/16" across), by Leonard Savage, Holy Cross Alaska, on the shores of the Yukon River, an Athabascan tribal artist

$155  SOLD

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Walrus ivory walking bear with fish on slice of ivory (2" long x 1-3/16" tall x 1-1/16" across), by Leonard Savage, Holy Cross Alaska, on the shores of the Yukon River, an Athabascan tribal artist

$155    SOLD

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Detailed very Large Bear in walrus ivory standing, on fossil whale rib base.  Not signed.  Nose, mouth and claws are black ink.  Rib base measures 9-3/4" long x 2-3/4" wide x 1" tall.  Bear itself is 6" tall x 2" wide x 2-1/2" deep; note: LARGE CARVING, very well done, you don't see this size.



Tiny simple polar bear, walrus ivory, on walrus ivory base, Bear itself measures 7/8" long x 1/2" tall; base is 1" long x 5/8" wide x 1/4" thick, Artist Leonard Savage (no signature)



Tiny simple polar bear, walrus ivory, on walrus ivory base, Bear itself measures 7/8" long x 1/2" tall, base is 1-1/8" long x 5/8" wide x 1/4" thick, Artist Leonard Savage (no signature)



Walking polar bear, nose to ground, in walrus ivory, Great texture/detailed bear, Measures 2" long x 3/4" tall x 5/8" widest, by Artist Robert Tungiyan (not signed)



Walrus ivory walking bear with fish on slice of ivory, (2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-1/8" tall), By Leonard Savage (Holy Cross, AK), on the shores of the Yukon River, an Athabascan artist

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Grizzly bear COLORED scrimshaw on chunk of mammoth tusk, on wood base. Ivory measures 2-3/8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 1-7/8" tall; Wood base is 3" diameter.  No signature

$260  SOLD

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Small Whale ear bone with mama and 2 baby bears inside & on top, on base of whale baleen.  Earbone measures 3-1/2" long x 2-1/4" wide x 2-5/8" tall.  With base 2-7/8" tall.  Arnold Gologrogen, Savoonga


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DETAILED Fighting Ferocious polar bear (walrus ivory). On base of slice of walrus oosik.  Measures 3-1/4" tall x 1-1/2" deep x 3" wide. By Cecil Seppilu


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Solid Walrus ivory tip scrimmed with polar bear head on one side. Flat on bottom. Measures 5-1/4" tall x 1-1/2" wide x 1-1/2" thick.  Alvin Aningaou

$525 SOLD-Chris

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Bear carved of fossil whale bone measures 8-1/2" long x 2" wide x 4" tall.  Signed on stomach "WOWI".  Note claws, nose & eyes are whale baleen, a great detail.

$425 SOLD to Frank

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Polar bear walking (walrus ivory) (good detail), on slice of walrus oosik.  Measures 3-1/16" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-3/4" tall.  By Tommy Coates, Barrow Alaska October '07

Not for sale Valued at $700+  SOLD

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Fossil Walrus tusk, with a line of 6 graduated sizes of polar bears. This is from our friend Simeon Patkotak Sr. in Barrow Alaska, his daughter Genelle does the polar bears. This is dear to us.  Measures 16" long x 1-3/4" wide x 3/4" thick; bears measure 2-9/16", 2-1/8", 2", 1-7/8", 1-3/4" and 1-3/8" 



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DETAILED Polar bear laying down (walrus ivory); by Uglowook. Measures 2-3/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1" tall.  Signed Pelowook

$315 SOLD-J

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Four bears (walrus ivory) on chunk of walrus tusk (a LOT of ivory!).  Full piece measures 8-1/2" long x 2-1/4" wide x 1-1/4" tall.

Mom bear is 3-1/2" long x 1-3/4" tall x 1-1/4" thick.

3 Baby bears each measure 2-1/2" long x 1-1/8" tall x 5/8" thick.

Signed Wilson Okoomealingok (Savoonga, AK). The expression on each is quite unique and comical, and very detailed.

Weight: 1 pound 10 oz.


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Four bears (walrus ivory) on chunk of walrus tusk (a LOT of ivory!).  Full piece measures 8-1/2" long x 2-1/8" wide x 1" tall.

Mom bear is 4" long x 1-3/4" tall x 1-3/8" thick.

3 Baby bears each measure 2-1/4" long x 1-1/8" tall x 3/4" thick.

Signed Wilson Okoomealingok (Savoonga, AK).  The expression on each is quite unique and comical, and very detailed.

Weight: 1 pound 7.5 ounces


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Four bears (walrus ivory) on chunk of walrus tusk (a LOT of ivory!).  Full piece measures 8-5/8" long x 2-1/4" wide x 1" tall.

Mom bear is 3-5/8" long x 1-3/4" tall x 1-1/4" thick.

3 Baby bears each measure 2-1/4" long x 1-1/16" tall x 5/8" thick.

Signed Wilson Okoomealingok (Savoonga, AK).  The expression on each is quite unique and comical, and very detailed.

Weight: 1 pound 7.4 ounces


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Three bears (walrus ivory) on chunk of walrus tusk (a LOT of ivory!).  Full piece measures 6-5/8" long x 2" wide x 7/8" tall.

Mom bear is 3-1/2" long x 1-1/2" tall x 1-1/8" thick.

2 Baby bears each measure 2-1/4" long x 1-1/8" tall x 7/8" thick.

Signed Wilson Okoomealingok (Savoonga, AK).  The expression on each is quite unique and comical, and very detailed.

Weight 1 pound 1 ounce


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Three bears (walrus ivory) on chunk of walrus tusk (a LOT of ivory!).  Full piece measures 6-7/8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 7/8" tall.

Mom bear is 3-5/8" long x 1-3/4" tall x 1-1/2" thick.

2 Baby bears each measure 2-1/8" long x 1" tall x 5/8" thick.

Signed Wilson Okoomealingok (Savoonga, AK). The expression on each is quite unique and comical, and very detailed.

Weight 14.4 ounces


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Three bears (walrus ivory) on beautiful natural color fossil walrus tusk base (a LOT of ivory!).  Full piece measures 14-5/8" long x 2-3/8" wide x 7/8" tall

Papa bear measures 5-7/8" tall x 1-7/8" wide x 1-7/8" thick

Mama bear measures 5-3/4" long x 1-3/4" tall x 1-5/8" thick

Baby cub measures 2-1/8" long x 2" tall x 1-1/4" thick

By Tony Pelowook (deceased), Savoonga AK.  Signed "Pelowook"

Weight: 2 pounds 15 ounces

$4500  SOLD-J

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Male bear (walrus ivory) on the hunt!  Measures 7" long x 2-1/4" tall x 1-1/2" thick.  Signed "RAY" on the bottom of both foot pads on the ground for Raymond Toolie, Savoonga AK.  Detailed, beautiful piece.

Weight: 10.6 ounces

$1800   SOLD-Anthony

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Mom bear with 2 cubs, one piece, made of fossil Stellar sea cow bone.  Measures 5-1/4" tall x 4" long x 2" thick

Signed "C.S." for Charles Slwooko, Gambell AK


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Mama bear with cub (one piece), walrus ivory.  Measures 2-1/4" tall x 1-78" wide x 1-1/2" thick.  Black inked feet, nose, eyes and claws.  Cute!  Signed Allen Akeya, Savoonga AK


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Bear with seal (walrus ivory, all one piece !!)  Measures 3-5/8" long x 1-1/2" tall x 1" thick.  Not a happy seal!  Signed "Uglowook" for James Uglowook, who likes to carve what he calls "Coca cola bears".


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Simple grizzly bear carving of fossil Stellar sea cow bone (very heavy & dense).  Measures 2-1/4" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall.  No signature.

$105  SOLD

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Simple grizzly bear carving of fossil Stellar sea cow bone (very heavy & dense).  Signed "TK" on bottom of foot.  Measures 3-1/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1-5/8" tall




Small simple bear growling (carved of walrus ivory, red painted mouth), on a chunk of fossil walrus ivory.  Measures 1-1/2" long x 1" wide x 1-1/4" tall.  Commercial tag on bottom "Ivory Base"

$65  SOLD


Thin polar bear (carved of walrus ivory), attached with a metal peg to a ring of fossil walrus ivory tusk.  Overall measurement 2" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1" tall.  Bear itself is 1-1/8" long x 3/16" wide.

$65  SOLD


Fossil woolly mammoth ivory part outer bark
Half carved with grizzly bear sleeping, and a salmon.
No carving on reverse
Mounted on wood base
Carving itself measures 5-1/4” long x 1-3/4” tall x 1/4” thickest
Wood base 6-1/4” long x 1-3/4” deep x 5/16” tall
No signature



Walrus ivory polar bear, on fossil walrus ivory base.
Great, solid piece
Measures 3-3/4” long x 2” wide x 2-1/8” tall
Signed on bottom: Howard Slwooko Jr, 1980
Weight: 8 ounces


SEE ALSO Necklaces (AK-NECK-116, 117 below 

for tiny bears on necklaces)



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9/4/10  Glenn, posing with our newest addition, 

HUGE Polar Bear Mittens 

from the hands of a Native Inupiat Lucy Leavitt in Barrow, Alaska.  Elk leather palms, and wolverine fur inner edging.  Last photo, Glenn is wearing a beaver cap from friend Doug who used to live in Alaska.  SOLD, see Mittens category, Alaska page 2 for details.



Originally an idea from Missouri, this is a good luck charm adopted by the Eskimo and many other cultures including Asia.  Sometimes shown with elf ears.  Often sold as a souvenir.

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Made of fossil stellar sea cow bone.  Native-carved, no signature.  Measures 3" tall x 1" wide x 3/4" thick

Glenn loves his billikens.

$245  SOLD


Carved of fossil walrus cheek bone, signed "Barrett" for Aaron Barrett, an Alaskan (but not
Native) carver.  3" tall x 2" wide x 7/8" deep



Carved of fossil walrus cheek bone, signed "Barrett" for Aaron Barrett, an Alaskan (but not

Native) carver. Hole in side & back is remains of a tooth hole.

2-5/8" tall x 1-5/8" wide x 7/8" deep

$210  SOLD

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"Old Wise Man" Billiken, carved of solid fossil walrus ivory; inlaid whale baleen eyes.  Measures 1-3/4" wide x 2-5/8" tall x 1" deep.  Signed Jamie Oozeva, Gambell

$285  SOLD

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"Mischevious Elf" Billiken, carved of solid walrus ivory (flat on back); inlaid whale baleen eyes, belly button and toes.  Measures 1-1/8" wide x 2-1/4" tall x 3/4" deep.  Signed but not legible.



BILLIKEN made of Walrus ivory, with slice of walrus ivory for base.

Measures 6-5/8” tall x 2-1/8” wide x 1-1/2” thick

Signed “B. Kulik, 2017 Alaska” for Brian Kulik

Weight: 9.6 ounces

SEE ALSO NECKLACES, Alaska page 2, for another Billiken as a pendant/necklace

Check out the carved teeth on Alaska page 3 for more Billiken pieces



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Bald eagle scrimshaw on fossil walrus tooth, secured to wood base.  Measures 2-1/2" long x 1/2" thick x 1-1/2" tall including base

$120  SOLD

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Fossil walrus ivory tooth Eagle is 2" tall x 3/4" wide, not signed. (Jim Bell, an Alaskan artist)

$120  SOLD

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Walrus Ivory Murre bird (1-1/4" long x 3/4" tall) on nest of ivory eggs on rookery (fossil partial walrus skull bone material), is 4" tall x 2-3/8" wide x 1-1/2" deep, by Elton Seipilu, Savoonga


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Walrus Ivory Murre bird (1-3/4" long x 7/8" tall) on nest of ivory eggs on rookery (fossil walrus partial skull bone material), is 4-3/4" long x 6-3/4" tall x 5" deep, by Elton Seipilu, Savoonga


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Walrus Ivory Murre bird (1-5/8" long x 7/8" tall), full item is 5-5/8" long x 4-5/8" wide x 4-3/8" tall on nest of ivory eggs on rookery (fossil partial walrus skull bone material), by Elton Seipilu, Savoonga


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Walrus Ivory Murre bird (1-5/8" long x 1-3/8" tall) on nest of ivory eggs on rookery (fossil walrus partial skull bone material), is 4-1/2" long x 4-3/4" tall x 2-5/8" deep, by Elton Seipilu, Savoonga


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Cormorant (2-7/8" tall x 1/2" thick) in walrus ivory on 3/4" fossil bone perch, signed by Byron Kaningook, Gambell

$125  SOLD

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Cormorant (1-1/4" tall x 1/2" wide) in walrus ivory, signed by Gordon Ooseuaseuk, Gambell

$110  SOLD

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Cormorant (3-5/8" tall x 5/8" wide) in fossil walrus ivory, baleen eyes, on fossil bone perch 1" tall, signed by Byron Kaningook,

$165  SOLD

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Songbird in walrus ivory, baleen eyes & fossil ivory beak, 3-1/4" long x 7/8" tall x 1" wide, signed by Aaron Oseuk, Gambell

$200  SOLD

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Puffin in Walrus ivory, baleen eyes, 1-1/8" long x 1-1/8" tall x 5/8" wide, signed by Robert Apatiki, Gambell

$85  SOLD

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Two puffins (1-3/8" x 1/2" and 1" x 5/8") (walrus ivory, baleen eyes) on baleen base (2-3/8" wide x 2-1/8" long), signed by Herman Toolie, Savoonga


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Tern in fossil whale bone with baleen eyes and 1-1/8" long beak, 3" long x 1" wide x 1-1/8" tall, signed by Douglas Henry, Gambell

$95  SOLD

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Tern in fossil whale bone with baleen eyes and 1-1/8" long beak, 3-1/8" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-1/8" tall, signed by Douglas Henry, Gambell

$95 SOLD

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Raptor, wings out, in walrus ivory, baleen & fossil ivory eyes (5-1/8" wingspan x 1-7/8" long x 1/2" tall), on textured ivory base (2" long x 3/8" wide), signed by Charles Slwooko, Gambell

$165  SOLD

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Snowy owl in walrus ivory, baleen & fossil ivory eyes, 1-1/16" deep x 1-1/2" tall x 3/4" wide, signed by Kevin Oosevaseuk, Gambell

$95  SOLD

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Snowy owl in walrus ivory, baleen & fossil ivory eyes, 1-1/4" wide x 1-7/8" tall x 7/8" deep, signed by Kevin Oosevaseuk, Gambell

$165  SOLD

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Snowy owl in walrus ivory, 1-3/8" wide x 1-7/8" tall x 1" deep signed by Kevin Oosevaseuk, Gambell.

$185  SOLD

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WALL HANGING Fossil whale vertebrae carving of a puffin head, by Alaskan carver W. Andy; measures 10" out from wall x 7" wide.

$475  SOLD

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Walrus ivory Murre bird on on nests of ivory eggs on rookery (fossil partial walrus skull bone material), by Elton Seipilu, Savoonga (but not signed); 5-1/2" tall x 4" wide x 5-1/2" deep; bird is 1-1/2" long


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Walrus ivory Murre bird on nest of ivory eggs on rookery (fossil partial walrus skull bone material), by Elton Seipilu, Savoonga (Signed E. Seppilu); 6" tall x 4-1/2" wide x 5-1/2" deep; bird is 2-1/8" long


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Five Walrus ivory Murre birds on rookery of fossil walrus tail bone, on base of ooseva (fossil walrus vertebrae disk), by Jr. Slwooko, Gambell); not signed; measures overall 9" tall x 6" wide x 5" deep; base is 8" diameter x 1"


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LARGE Horned Puffin (hand painted walrus ivory; superb feather texture); Signed by Quentin Oseuk; 4-1/4" tall x 1" wide x 1-1/2" deep

$375  SOLD

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Horned Puffin (hand painted walrus ivory), Signed by Quentin Oseuk; 2-5/8" tall x 7/8" wide x 1-1/4" deep


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Horned Puffin (hand painted walrus ivory), Signed by Quentin Oseuk; 2" tall x 3/4" wide x 1" deep

$180  SOLD

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Horned Puffin (hand painted walrus ivory), Signed by Quentin Oseuk; 1-3/8" tall x 5/8" wide x 3/4" deep

$125  SOLD

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HILARIOUS Tufted Puffin (hand painted walrus ivory; polar bear hair), Signed by Stanley Oozeva, Gambell; 1-1/8" tall x 5/8" wide x 3/4" deep


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Tufted Puffin,  (hand painted walrus ivory; polar bear hair) Signed by Stanley Oozeva, Gambell; 1-3/8" tall x 5/8" wide x 5/8" deep


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Tufted Puffin,  (hand painted walrus ivory; polar bear hair) Signed by Stanley Oozeva, Gambell; 1-1/8" tall x 1/2" wide x 5/8" deep


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Tufted Puffin,  (hand painted walrus ivory; polar bear hair) Signed by Stanley Oozeva, Gambell; 1-1/4" tall x 1/2" wide x 3/4" deep


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Tufted Puffin,  (hand painted walrus ivory; polar bear hair) Signed SLO (Stanley Oozeva); 1-5/8" tall x 3/4" wide x 7/8" deep


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Horned Puffin,  (hand painted walrus ivory) signed by Kevin Oosevaseuk, Gambell; 1-7/8" tall x 3/4" wide x 1" deep


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Tufted Puffin,  (hand painted walrus ivory; polar bear fur) signed by Stanley Oozeva; 2-1/4" tall x 1-1/8" wide x 2" deep (substantial ivory)


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Horned puffin (hand painted walrus ivory), wings out, on "rookery" nest of fossil seal vertebrae; signed M O Oosevaseuk, Gambell (Melchor); bird 2-1/4" wingspan x 1-1/4" tall, vertebrae 2-1/2" wide x 1-7/8" deep x 1-1/2" tall; overall 2-1/2" tall

$185  SOLD


Ptarmigan bird, 2-1/8" long head to tail x 7/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall, walrus ivory bird on fossil mammoth ivory base, by Alvey Shaglook

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Flying owl (walrus ivory), baleen stand, walrus ivory base.  Measures 2-3/8" long x 3-5/8" wide x 2-3/8" tall.  Peter Waghiyi, Savoonga

$295  SOLD-K

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Owl in brown (fossil) stellar sea cow bone, on mammoth ivory base.  Measures 3-3/8" tall x 1-7/8" wide x 1-1/8" thick.  Signed "K.O." for Kevin Oosevaseuk

$245  SOLD-K

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Scrimshaw owl on chunk of mammoth ivory, on antler slice base.  Measures 2-7/8" tall x 1-1/8" wide x 1-1/2" long.  Initials "G.V."


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Fossil Walrus tusk tip with scrimshaw Owl head.  Measures 3-3/8" tall x 1-1/8" wide x 3/4" thick.  By Alvin Aningayou

$435 SOLD-Chris

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Large Horned puffin in walrus ivory, hand painted.  Measures 3-3/8" tall x 1-9/16" wide x 1-3/4" thick. No signature


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Large Horned puffin in walrus ivory, hand painted.  Measures 4" tall x 1-7/8" wide x 2-3/4" deep.  Signed "Slwooko".


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Medium size Horned puffin on slice of whale bone rib base.  Measures 2-3/8" tall x 1" wide x 3-1/4" long.  Signed "JS" (Junior Slwooko).


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Tufted puffin (medium size) polar bear hair tufts, hand painted.  Measures 1-1/2" long x 2-1/4" tall x 1" wide.  Signed "Melchor" for Melchor Oosevaseuk.


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Three tiny horned puffins on a chunk of rough fossil fish jaw bone.  Measures 3-7/8" long x 1" wide x 1-1/8" tall.  Artist Kokuluk.

$120  SOLD

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Trumpeter swan in walrus ivory on base. This is the only swan we have in our collection. Measures 2-3/4" long x 3-1/2" wide x 1-7/8" tall.  Signed Luke Penayah.

$299  SOLD

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Auklet bird; walrus ivory, entirely painted. Tuft of unknown fur. Measures 3-1/4" tall x 2-1/8" long x 1-1/8" wide.  By Junior Slwooko


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Bird head with ornamental circle design (fossil whale bone) on whale flipper bone. Hangs on wall.  Measures 17" tall x 15-1/2" wide x 8-1/2" deep.  Signed Rick Seegana


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Small puffin (walrus ivory), on small fossil oozeva.  Measures 1-5/8" diameter; 1-1/2" tall.  Bird is 1" long x 1/2" wide x 3/4" tall.  No signature.

$105 SOLD

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Raven (walrus ivory) on fossil bone carved into musk ox skull, on fossil whale oozeva base.  Not signed.  Measures 5" wide x 4" deep x 5-1/2" tall


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Flying raven (walrus ivory) on slice of walrus tusk base.  Measures 4" wingspan x 2-1/8" long x 1" tall.  By "LS" Leonard Savage

$475 SOLD to L


Canadian goose (dyed walrus ivory) is 7/8" long x 3/8" wide x 1/2" tall, sitting on nest (caribou antler) measuring, 15/16" long x 5/8" wide x 3/8" tall, with two tiny eggs inside of walrus ivory



Puffin with fish (walrus ivory) on walrus tusk slice base; measures 1-1/2" long x 3/4" wide x 1-1/2" tall,
Signed "LS"



Tufted puffin (painted ivory, polar bear fur), measures 2" nose to tail x 3/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall; signed Stanley Oozeva



Puffin (painted ivory) measures 1-1/2" nose to tail x 5/8" wide x 1-3/8" tall; no signature



Two tiny puffins (walrus ivory) on an iceberg (walrus ivory inner tusk); measures 7/8" wide x 1/2" deep x 1-3/8" tall; not signed

$75  SOLD


Baby Ptarmigan (walrus ivory) on walrus ivory polished freeform base; attached with metal rod.  Not signed.  Measures 1-3/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-3/8" tall. 



Baby raven in painted walrus ivory, on walrus tusk slice base, signed "IB"; measures 2-1/8" long x 1-5/8" wide x 2" tall



Two pieces woolly mammoth tusk ivory, nice curvature showing excellent colored scrimshaw of flying duck landing on pond, birch & pine tree scenery. Signed Alan Luiz.  Measures 4" long x 1-3/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall

$160  SOLD

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Simply carved two OWLS (walrus ivory teeth) on artifact bone base (body armor).  Not signed. Measures 3-5/8" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1-3/4" tall


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Spectacular carving of rare FOSSIL MINKE WHALE JAW BONE, of an Eagle and a standing Bear confrontation.  ALL ONE PIECE except for the eagle's head & tail (walrus ivory).  Signed "Pelowook" (Carl Pelowook), Savoonga AK.

Measures 17-5/8" tall x 7-3/4" wide x 2-3/4" deep.

Weight: 2 pounds 10 ounces

$3600  SOLD to L

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Spectacular carving of a flying Bald-headed eagle, made of RARE FOSSIL MINKE WHALE JAW BONE.  ALL ONE PIECE except for the eagle's head, tail and feet (walrus ivory), and the base (minke jaw bone).  Signed "Pelowook" on bottom of base (Carl Pelowook), Savoonga, AK.

Measures 24-5/8" tall x 7-3/4" wide x 3-1/4" deep.

Weight: 3 pounds 11 ounces


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Large Owl, carved of fossil Stellar sea cow bone, eyes & beak are whale baleen.  Measures 2-1/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 3-1/4" tall.  Signed Oosevaseuk


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Large owl carved of fossil walrus cheek bone, eyes are whale baleen.  Measures 2-1/8" long x 1-1/2" wide x 3-1/8" tall.  Signed "GD"

$265  SOLD

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Small cute owl carved of Stellar sea cow bone, whale baleen beak.  Measures 1-5/8" tall x 7/8" wide x 3/4" long.  Signed with two initials on bottoms of feet but not discernible.

$95  SOLD

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Medium size owl, carved of Stellar sea cow bone, eyes are whale baleen.  Measures 1-7/8" tall x 1-3/8" deep x 7/8" long.  Signed "GD"


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Medium size owl, carved of Stellar sea cow bone, baleen beak; eyes are mammoth ivory & whale baleen.  Measures 2-1/4" tall x 7/8" long x 3/4" wide.  No signature.


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Large owl, carved of fossil whale bone, inlaid whale baleen eyes.  Measures 3-1/4" tall x 2-1/2" long x 2-1/4" wide.  Signed Oozevaseuk.


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Tufted puffin (medium size) carved of fossil whale cheek bone, whale baleen eyes, two polar bear fur tufts, hand painted. Measures 2-1/4" tall x 1-1/4" long x 1-3/8" wide.  Signed "MO" on his butt, for  Melchor Oosevaseuk


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Ptarmigan, carved of fossil walrus cheek bone.  Measures 2" tall x 1-1/4" long x 1" wide.  Signed "MO" on one side of bottom, and "Oosevaseuk" on the other side bottom.


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(adorable) Snowy owl in walrus ivory with whale baleen inlaid dots.  Measures 2-3/8" tall x 1-1/4" long x 7/8" wide.  No signature, artist Jerry Wongittilan, Savoonga


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INCOMING! Flying snowy owl (walrus ivory, mammoth ivory & whale baleen inset eyes); fossil walrus ivory base (baleen peg).  Measures 1-3/4" tall x 4-3/8" wingspan x 2-1/8" deep.  Base itself is 1-5/8" long x 7/8" wide x 5/8" tall.  Signed Julian Seppilu.  Beautiful detail.

$295  SOLD

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THREE OWLS IN ONE.  Hilarious depiction of the owl able to turn its head fully around, this carving has 3 sets of eyes and 3 beaks.  LOVE this piece.  Fossil walrus cheek bone, walrus and whale baleen inset eyes.  Measures 3" tall x 2-1/8" long x 2" wide.  No signature, by Oozevaseuk.


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Owl, whale baleen inset eyes, made of walrus cheek bone.  Measures 2-1/8" tall x 2-1/2" long x 1-1/4" wide.  Signed "G.O." for Gordon Oozevaseuk


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Owl, fossil Stellar sea cow bone, baleen inset eyes and beak.  Measures 2-7/8" tall x 2-3/4" long x 1-1/2" wide.  Signed Oseuk.


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Owl, fossil walrus cheek bone, walrus ivory & whale baleen inset eyes, baleen beak.  Measures 3" tall x 2-3/4" long x 1-3/8" wide.  Signed "M.O." for Melcher Oosevaseuk

$265  SOLD

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Ptarmigan, carved from Fossil Stellar sea cow bone, inlaid whale baleen eyes and beak.  Measures 2-1/4" tall x 1-3/4" long x 1-1/4" wide.  Signed "DS" (Slwooko).


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Open-ended napkin ring style, nice little display.  Bas relief of 3 flying birds, whale baleen eyes.  Measures 7/8" tall x 3-3/8" long x 2" wide.  Signed Ukaghhani (Dennis James Jr).


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Puffin carved in fossil whale cheek bone, inlaid whale baleen eyes.  Measures 2-7/8" tall x 2" long x 1-1/4" wide.  Signed Melcher Oozevasuk underside of tail.


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Puffin on iceberg.  Puffin carved of walrus ivory, hand painted.  Mounted on base of misc. fossil ocean-washed bone.  Measures 3-5/8" tall x 2-1/2" long x 1-7/8" wide.  Not signed.  By Junior Slwooko (deceased)


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Tiny puffin in walrus ivory, hand painted.  Measures 1" tall x 5/8" long x 1/4" wide.  Signed "Mayac" for Rita Mayac, King Island


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Tiny puffin in walrus ivory, hand painted. Measures 1" tall x 3/4" long x 5/8" wide.  Signed "Mayac" for Rita Mayac, King Island


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Tiny puffin in walrus ivory, hand painted. Measures 1-1/4" tall x 5/8" long x 3/8" wide.  Signed "Mayac" for Rita Mayac, King Island

$125  SOLD

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Splendid - Fossil walrus ivory tusk tip carved in bas relief eagle with wings up, talons out.  Measures 6-1/16" tall x 1-3/8" wide x 1" deep.  Signed on bottom "Jim Immigan"

$385  SOLD


Small Cormorant (walrus ivory) on ring of fossil walrus ivory tusk.  Overall measures 1-7/8" long x 1-1/2" wide x 2" tall

$75  SOLD


Tall bird (cormorant?, carved of walrus ivory, on fossil walrus ivory base.  Measures overall 2" long x 3/4" wide x 2" tall

$75  SOLD


Small Cormorant bird (short beak), carved of fossil walrus ivory.  Measures 1-1/2" tall x 1/2" wide x 1/2" thick

$60  SOLD



Ptarmigan bird on base (both fossil walrus ivory), feet painted red, black banding on feathers.  Commercial writing on bottom "ivory base".  Overall measures 1-3/4" long x 5/8" wide x 1-1/8" tall

$75  SOLD



Ptarmigan bird on base (both fossil walrus ivory).  Overall measures 1-5/8" long x 3/4" wide x 1-1/8" tall.  Faint scrim for wings, eyes.  Slight dark divot on head

$75  SOLD



Tiny Snow bunting (bird) in the snow (walrus ivory, black whip coral branches for trees and bushes, and polar bear fur representing snow; chips of walrus ivory; on walrus ivory base).  Signed “Brian Kulik, Alaska 2020”

Measurements:  Bird itself is 1-1/2” long x ¾” tall; full measurement is 3” wide x 2-1/4” deep x 4” tall.

Weight: 2.9 oz.





Bolo tie
Matched set with
#AK-TIE-1 Tie bar, and #AK-ER-3 Earrings
Gold nugget center tests at 22k
Fossil mammoth ivory rectangular back, highly polished, measures 1-1/4” long x 7/8” wide x 1/8” thick.
Walrus ivory rounded top measures 1” long x 5/8” wide x 1/8” thickest
Bolo ends are walrus ivory, each 1-3/4” long
Bolo tie is black cotton braided high quality rope 28” long


Click these links to see the other matching pieces: AK-ER-3 EARRINGS and AK-TIE-1 TIE TACK




Fairly intricate bracelet, made of rectangle of mastodon ivory measuring 1" tall x 3/8" wide x 3/16" thick, on elastic cording with walrus ivory bead spacers.  Each rectangular piece has a polar bear carving, each is different with right or left paws up.  Would fit any wrist.  No signature.

$395  SOLD


Fossil walrus ivory, 5 slices with dark edges, average 1” x 3/4” long each;
longer slice on front, rounded edges, 2-1/2” long x 7/8” wide x 1/16” thick
Polar bear head on long piece with tongue out, 1” wide x 7/8” long, protrudes 5/8” out.
Double elastic bands through drilled holes.
About 9” circle
Well-made though no signature



6 rectangular fossil walrus ivory (brown or brown-edged) sections, average 5/8” long x 1/2” wide
6 white walrus ivory rectangles between them, average 3/4” long x 1/2” wide
On white walrus ivory, Eskimo sled with musher, and 4 sets of 2 dogs each, front single dog (total 9 dogs).
Double elastic through drilled holes
About 8” circle     



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Small wooden box to hold standard size business cards, measures 4-1/8" wide x 1-3/8" tall x 1-5/8" deep.  .  Fossil walrus ivory front, scrimshaw with swordfish jumping, two masted ships, and a lighthouse scene.  Signed "LAP".



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