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Contents: Walrus, Walrus whisker earrings & toothpicks, Walrus head tusk mounts, skulls, lower jaws; Whale, Yo-yo's



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Walrus ivory mother & baby walrus measures 2-3/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-1/8" tall; walrus ivory tusks, baleen eyes; signed, by Jason Napahatuk, Gambell 

$180  SOLD

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Fossil whale bone walrus is 4-1/2" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2-7/8" tall; 1-3/4" ivory tusks; signed, by Andrew Rookok, Savoonga

$165  SOLD

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Two walrus carving of fossil whale bone is 8" long x 3-5/8" tall x 3-3/8" wide; ivory & baleen eyes, ivory tusks; signed Charles Slwooka, Gambell 


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Fossil whale bone walrus is 5-1/2" long x 2-1/8" tall x 1-3/4" wide; ivory & baleen eyes; ivory 1" tusks; Signed, by Archie Henry Slwooko, Gambell


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Fossil walrus lower jaw with 7 teeth is 9-3/4" long x 4" tall x 8" wide, walrus bas relief carvings on each side; dense heavy item; by Leo Apangalook, Gambell

$435  SOLD

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Walrus ivory mother (1-1/4" long x 3/4" wide) & baby (3/4" long x 3/8" wide) on baleen base is 2-1/2" long x 1-3/8" wide;  signed Robert Apatiki

$115  SOLD

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Mother (2") & baby walrus (1-1/2") swimming together, on fossil Stellar sea cow bone base; signed by Lester Napahatook, Gambell; 2-1/2" long x 1-3/8" tall


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Fossil whale bone with ivory tusks, signed by Maynard Kava, Savoonga; 7-3/4" long x 3-1/2" wide x 5-1/2" tall


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Fat walrus rolling his eyes, great detail; Fossil whale bone with ivory tusks, signed CS (Charles Slwooko, Gambell); 6" long x 4" wide x 5-1/4" tall


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Fossil whale bone with wide ivory tusks, signed Julian Seppilu; 5-1/2" long x 3" wide x 4-1/4" tall


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Flat faced fat walrus, Fossil whale bone with ivory tusks, signed Melchor Oosevaseuk; 6-1/2" long x 4" wide x 3-3/4" tall


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Fossil Stellar Sea cow bone with ivory tusks, signed AHS for Archie Henry Slwooko; 3-1/2" long x 1-3/4" wide x 2-1/4" tall

$190  SOLD

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Ivory mother & baby walrus, signed Darin Slwooko; 2-1/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1-3/8" tall

$180  SOLD

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Ivory walrus with walrus whisker tusks, signed Oosevaseuk; 2-1/4" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall

$180  SOLD

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Ivory walrus with ivory tusks (superb detail), signed Oseuk 02-06 (Aaron); 1-1/2" long x 7/8" wide x 1" tall

$155  SOLD

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Walrus ivory with walrus whisker tusks, signed Byron K (Kaningook, Gambell); 1-3/8" long x 1" wide x 1-1/4" tall

$160  SOLD

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Exceptional detail on this large swimming Bull walrus (walrus weighs 5.2 oz.), on base of Fossil Stellar sea cow rib & baleen post; 5-1/4" long x 1-5/8" wide x 2-1/2" tall;  By Jerry Wongitillian, Gambell

$495  SOLD

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Rare & highly desired blue fossil walrus ivory walrus, (ivory tusks), 3-1/2" long x 1-5/8" wide x 2" tall;  by Andrew Rookok

$625  SOLD

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Walrus carved of walrus ivory measures 2-3/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-7/8" tall, walrus & tusks & base are one piece; signed by L. Ozemik

$200  SOLD

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Walrus carved of walrus ivory measures 2-3/8" long x 1-5/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall; walrus & tusks & base are one piece; signed Louis Ozemik, Gambell

$200  SOLD

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Walrus made of a partial fossil walrus lower jaw (very dense/heavy bone), all one piece.  Measures 7-1/4" long x 3-1/4" wide x 4-5/8" tall. Signed "Bennett R."

$600  SOLD to Frank

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Vase.  Walrus ivory HOLLOW section of tusk, with a polar bear simple face on one side, walrus on the other.  Measures 3-1/4" tall x 2" wide x 1-3/4" deep.  Signed "GRA, Wales AK"

$159  SOLD

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Detailed walrus in walrus ivory measures 2-3/4" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall.  By B. Pungowiyi

$700  SOLD

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Detailed walrus in walrus ivory (same artist as -23, this carving is slightly larger).  Measures 2-3/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1-3/4 tall.  By B. Pungowiyi

$700  SOLD to Anthony

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Walrus made of fossil whale bone, walrus ivory tusks. Medium/large size. Measures 8-3/4" long x 4-1/2" wide x 4" thick.  No signature


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Scrimmed 2 walruses with blue ocean background, on chunk of fossil walrus tusk tip ARTIFACT TOOL - note hole, on wood base. Measures 3-7/8" tall x 1-5/8" wide x 3/4" thick.  No signature


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Walrus head (fossil whale bone) with walrus ivory tusks, on whale oozeva. Wall hanging. Oozeva measures 7-1/2" diameter x 3-5/8" thick.  Walrus head measures 2-3/4" wide x 3-3/4" tall.  By Adora Noongvlook, Savoonga


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Walrus made of fossil whale bone, walrus ivory tusks.  Measures 6" long x 3-1/2" wide x 5-1/2" tall. Signed "Oseuk 09 03"


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Cute walrus eyeing you from laying on his side.  Fossil whale bone, ivory eye, on whale oozeva.  Not signed.  Walrus measures 5-1/2" long x 3-1/2" wide x 2-1/2" tall.  Oozeva base measures 6" long x 5" wide x 3/8" thick.


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Walrus standing up, made of dense fossil walrus jaw, ivory tusks, baleen eyes, on walrus skull base.  Full display measures 9" tall x 5" wide x 3-1/2" deep.

Walrus itself is 6-1/2" tall.  Base is 4-1/2" long x 3-1/4" wide x 2" tall.  Signed "Bennett B Many, Aw, AK"





Extra large walrus in green Canadian soapstone measures 4-1/2" long x 2" wide x 2-1/8" tall.  Label on bottom says "Alaska 1974", signed "J. Ayek". 




Large Walrus laying on side, huge fossil whale rib bone carving
Carved by Siberian Yup'ik Eskimo Leon Kulowiyi (Isaac Kulowiyi's youngest son), Savoonga, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, 2015.
Measures 24" long x 14" wide x 9" tall.
Made with genuine juvenile walrus tusks
Baleen and ivory eyes
Real walrus whiskers


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Large!!  Walrus of fossil whale bone, signed Ben Pungowiyi, Savoonga AK

Eye of walrus ivory, mammoth ivory, and whale baleen.  Claws made of walrus whiskers; tusks are ivory

Measures 12-1/2" long x 8-1/2" tall x 8-1/4" wide

Weight: 4 pounds 4 oz.

$3850  SOLD-J


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Medium size walrus of fossil whale bone, on whale bone base, signed Ben Pungowiyi (Savoonga Alaska)

Eyes of walrus ivory and mammoth ivory, claws of walrus whiskers, walrus ivory tusks

Measures 10" long x 6-3/4" tall x 7" wide

Weight: 2 pounds 5 ounces


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Walrus carved of fossil walrus jaw bone (very dense & heavy, not carved on back side), on fossil whale rib bone base; tusks are walrus ivory, eyes are whale baleen

Measures 7" tall x 5-3/8" long x 2-3/8" deep

Base measures 7-1/4" long x 4-5/8" wide x 1" tall

Signed R. Tungivan

$325  SOLD-J


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Small walrus carved of Fossil Stellar sea cow bone, walrus whisker tusks, black felt tip eyes.  Measures 1-3/4" long x 7/8" wide x 1-1/4" tall.  Signed "RS".


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Medium walrus, carved of fossil walrus cheek bone, walrus whisker tusks, felt tip eyes.  Measures 2-1/4" tall x 2-3/4" long x 1-1/4" wide.  Signed "RS".


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Medium walrus carved of fossil walrus cheek bone, walrus whisker tusks, and felt tip eyes.  Measures 2-3/8" tall x 2-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide.  Signed "RS"


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Medium walrus, carved of fossil whale bone, walrus ivory tusks, felt tip eyes.  Measures 3-1/8" long x 1-5/8" wide x 1-3/8" tall.  Not signed.


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Medium-large walrus carved of fossil Stellar sea cow bone, walrus ivory tusks, walrus cheek bone base, whale baleen post.  Full display Measures 4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 2-1/4" tall.  Signed "Oseuk".


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Walrus in fossil walrus ivory (whale baleen eyes, walrus ivory tusks) - EXCEPTIONAL NATURAL COLOR & texture, on baleen peg, on baleen base.

 Walrus measures 2-1/2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 2-7/8" tall

Base itself is 4-1/2" long x 2-7/8" wide x 1/8" tall.

Signed Jason Iya, Sva AK '14 (Savoonga, 2014)



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Walrus in fossil walrus ivory (Beautiful color & texture), whale baleen eyes, walrus ivory tusks; on fossil walrus cheek bone base.

Walrus measures 2-1/2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-1/2" tall.

Base measures 2-7/8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 5/8" tall.

Signed Jason Iya 14, Sav. AK (Savoonga, 2014)



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Walrus mama & pup, all one piece of fossil walrus ivory - beautiful color.  Whale baleen eyes.

Walrus with cub/pup measures 3-5/8" long x 2" wide x 2-3/8" tall

No signature.  Paul Rookok, Savoonga



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Walrus in fossil walrus ivory (RARE RARE EXCEPTIONAL BLUE-GRAY NATURAL COLORING!!); tusks are walrus ivory, mammoth ivory eyes.

Walrus measures 2-3/8" long x 1-3/8" wide x 2" tall

Signed Jason Iya (Savoonga)




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Walrus carved in walrus ivory (beautiful texture); whale baleen eyes); on fossil walrus cheek bone base.

Walrus measures 2-3/8" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1-1/2" tall

Base measures 2-3/8" long x 1-5/8" wide x 3/8" tall

Signed Fred Kingeekuk, Box 18, Sva AK 99769 (Savoonga)




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Walrus carved of fossil walrus cheek bone, with walrus whisker tusks.

Walrus measures 2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall

Signed "RS" (Robert Sockpick)



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Walrus in fossil walrus ivory, whale baleen eyes.  Exceptional Caramel & milk striped natural coloring.  Almost good enough to eat!

Walrus measures 2-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-1/4" tall

No signature.  Julius Alowa (no longer carving); Savoonga



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Walrus carved of fossil Stellar sea cow bone, whale baleen eyes, walrus ivory tusks.

Walrus measures 2-1/4" long x 1-3/4" wide x 2-1/2" tall.

Base measures 4-3/8" diameter x 3/8" tall

Signed Oseuk 5 (Brenden Oseuk, Anchorage)



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Walrus mama & pup carved of fossil whale finger bones (whale baleen eyes, walrus ivory tusks), on round whale ooseva.

Large walrus measures 2-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 2-1/4" tall

Small walrus measures 2-1/8" long x 1" wide x 1-1/2" tall

Signed Oseuk on top edge of ooseva



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Walrus measures 5" long x 2-7/8" wide x 2-1/2" tall

(Medium size) Mother walrus & tiny cub (one piece) in fossil walrus cheekbone, inlaid whale baleen eyes, walrus ivory tusks.

Signed J. L. Oozeva (Jamie, Gambell)



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(Medium-large size) Walrus laying down (carved of fossil walrus oosik; walrus ivory & baleen inset eyes, walrus ivory tusks), on whale baleen base.  Great texture on walrus.

Walrus measures 6-5/8" long x 2-1/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall

Base itself is 7-1/8" long x 3-1/8" wide x 1/8" thick

Signed Charlie Slwooko (Gambell)



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Unusual piece!  Two walrus (walrus ivory; inlaid whale baleen eyes), mounted on whale baleen curved at the bottom (gorgeous thick piece of baleen).  Supported at the back by a fossil walrus tooth shaved and glued to the back.  Walrus measures 6-1/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 2" tall

Base itself measures 8-5/8" long x 5" wide x 1/8" tall

Signed Ronnie Toolie, SVA AK 99769 (Savoonga)




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Classy earrings, but what are they?  Porcupine quills?  Noooo---how about WALRUS WHISKERS! - YES!  Would you kiss a walrus with whiskers like these?  I don't think so!  We now have them available for sale, see below!  Here's some really cool information about how walrus use their whiskers:

When foraging, walruses dive to the bottom and comb through the silt and sand for shellfish with flippers pointed skyward. Eyes closed tight against the billowing clouds of silt they kick up while feeding, walruses root about with some 480-odd vibrissae roughly the texture of uncooked spaghetti to locate shellfish as small as a couple of centimeters long.  They use their whiskers like chopsticks to manipulate the clams they find.  Walrus follow the edge of pack ice each year and are found mostly in the Bering Sea near St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.

Blindfolded walruses could tell the difference between flat circles and triangles half the size of an M&M. With muscle fibers crisscrossed in all directions like the beams of the Eiffel tower, they can control each individual vibrissa. It's amazing to see what they can do. Drop a piece of squid on the edge of a walrus's vibrissae pads, and it will broom the morsel mouthward with a few quick jerks of its whisker hairs.

Walrus whisker photo.jpg (18088 bytes) 

Blindfolded by ear protectors, a walrus uses its broom-stiff whiskers to distinguish between tiny shapes on a patterned panel. 



Whiskers made into earrings by Alaskan Native CHARITY BELL of Brevig Mission, Alaska.  Remember, Alaskan natives catch the walrus and use as much as humanly possible (whether it is eaten, made into functional items or art, the rest is returned to the sea), this is a very creative way.

Made with gold or silver alloy hypoallergenic French wires, tiny glass beads of various colors as accents, they average 2 to 3" long.
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#AK-WALW-55-3  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-5  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-6  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-7  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-8  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-9  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-10  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-11  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-12  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-13  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-14  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-15  $38  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-16  $38  SOLD



Made with gold alloy hypoallergenic French wires  1-1/2 to 2" long.

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#AK-WALW-55-50  $36  SOLD

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#AK-WALW-55-51  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-52  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-53  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-54  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-55  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-56  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-57  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-58  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-59  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-60  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-61  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-62  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-63  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-64  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-65  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-66  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-67  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-68  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-69  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-72  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-74  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-75  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-76  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-77  $36

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#AK-WALW-55-78  $36




Yes, they can be used, but we're sure you'll buy them to display as they are so unusual!

Whiskers made into toothpicks by Alaskan Native CHARITY BELL of Brevig Mission, Alaska, adding genuine fur (unknown) and a scrimshaw bone bead as accents, they average 2-1/2 to 3" long.  Remember, this is an Alaskan native product as a result of legally harvesting the walrus and using 100% of it.

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#AK-WALTO-56-8 (last one!)  $24




Gold color hypoallergenic French wire pierced earrings

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#AK-WALE-205-B  $20
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#AK-WALE-205-G  $24  SOLD


Click below to see more earrings and other  Mammoth jewelry:





Average 1000 years old

From St. Lawrence Island off the coast of Alaska

Wholly owned by the Siberian Yup'ik Tribe, legal to excavate

Technically mineralized, feels & cuts like ivory as it still is.

#AK-WALT-307-1  $22

#AK-WALT-307-3  $22

#AK-WALT-307-5  $22

#AK-WALT-307-6  $22

#AK-WALT-307-9  $26

#AK-WALT-307-10  $26

#AK-WALT-307-11  $26

#AK-WALT-307-12  $26

#AK-WALT-307-13  $26

#AK-WALT-307-17  $30

#AK-WALT-307-18  $30

#AK-WALT-307-20  $30

#AK-WALT-307-21  $30

#AK-WALT-307-22  $30

#AK-WALT-307-23  $30

#AK-WALT-307-24  $30

#AK-WALT-307-28  $30

#AK-WALT-307-29  $30

#AK-WALT-307-30  $30

#AK-WALT-307-32  $30






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FEMALE walrus skull (nose/head mount) & tusks; 

MOUNT is 26-5/8" long overall

RIGHT TUSK 22-5/8" long, weighs 2.20 pounds

LEFT TUSK 22-5/8" long, weighs 2.45 pounds

SKULL is 7" wide

Scrimshaw whales and polar bears on the tusks, signed 

by Scrimshander William Pelowook, St. Lawrence Island

$3650  SOLD

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FEMALE walrus skull (nose/head mount) & tusks

BEAUTIFUL MOUNT is 28-1/2" long overall

SKULL is 6-1/2" wide

Weight: 6 pounds 11 ounces

Scrimshaw whales and polar bears on the tusks, signed 

by Scrimshander William Pelowook, St. Lawrence Island




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FEMALE walrus skull (nose/head mount) & tusks

MOUNT is 28-1/4" long oveall

RIGHT TUSK is 25-1/4" long, 2.15 pounds

LEFT TUSK is 25-1/4' long, 2.10 pounds

SKULL is 6-1/2" wide

Weight: 5 pounds 6 ounces

Scrimshaw whales and polar bears on the tusks, signed 

by Scrimshander William Pelowook, St. Lawrence Island



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MALE bull walrus skull (nose/head mount) & tusks

MOUNT is 33-7/8" long overall

RIGHT TUSK is 27-3/8" long, 5.10 pounds

LEFT TUSK is 27-7/8" long, and weighs 5.65 pounds

SKULL is 9-1/4" across

Scrimshaw whales and polar bears on the tusks, signed 

by Scrimshander William Pelowook, St. Lawrence Island

$4675  SOLD

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MALE bull walrus skull (nose/head mount) & tusks

MOUNT is 33-1/2" long overall

RIGHT TUSK is 28-3/8" long and weighs 5.25 pounds

LEFT TUSK is 27-1/4" long and weighs 5.35 pounds

SKULL is 8-1/2" across

Scrimshaw whales and polar bear on the tusks, signed 

by Scrimshander William Pelowook, St. Lawrence Island

$4575  SOLD


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Small female head/tusk mount

Overall length: 19"

Skull width: 5-3/4"

Right tusk: 14-1/2" long

Left tusk: 14" long

Weight: 3 pounds 10 ounces

Scrimmed with ships of whale hunters, whales in the ocean, walruses on the ice

Signed "M.G." on both sides

$2800  SOLD to Frank

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MALE bull walrus tusk mount

Scrimmed with polar bears, walruses

Skull measures 9" across

Overall length: 33-1/2"

Right tusk: 31-1/4" long

Left tusk: 31-1/4" long

Weight: 12 pounds 8 ounces

By Tony Pelowook (now deceased), not signed


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MALE bull walrus tusk mount

Scrimmed with walruses and polar bears

Skull measures  8-1/2" across

Overall length: 31-1/2"

Right tusk: 27-1/2" long

Left tusk: 27" long

Weight: 9 pounds 10 ounces

By Tony Pelowook (now deceased), not signed



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Juvenile walrus upper skull, rare to get the back plate too, not cut off.

Scrimmed by French Kingeekuk

Designs of walrus, seal, Native in ceremonial raven headdress,

polar bear

Overall length: 10"

Width: 7-3/8"

Tall: 6-2/3z'

Tusk length: 2" each



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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 11-3/4" long x 9-3/4" wide x 5-3/8" tall

Weight: 6 lbs 6 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 11-1/2" long x 9-1/4" wide x 6-1/4" tall

Weight: 5 pounds 1 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 10-1/2" long x 8-1/2" wide x 4-5/8" tall

Weight: 4 pounds 5 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 9-1/4" long x 7-7/8" wide x 4-1/8" tall

Weight: 1 pound 14 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 9-1/2" long x 7-1/2" wide x 4-3/8" tall

Weight: 1 pound 14 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 11-7/8" long x 9-1/4" wide x 5-1/2" tall

Weight: 7 pounds 3 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 7-1/4" long x 5-7/8" wide x 2-3/8" tall

Weight: 8 ounces


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 9-3/8" long x 8-1/8" wide x 4-7/8" tall

Weight: 2 pounds 7 oz.


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 9-5/8" long x 8-1/4" wide x 3-3/4" tall

Weight: 1 pound 15 ounces


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Fossil walrus Lower jaw

Measures 12-1/4" long x 10" wide x 6" tall

Weight: 8 pounds


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Fossil walrus Upper skull

Measures 9" long x 6" wide x 5-1/4" tall

Weight: 2 pounds 6 oz.


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Fossil walrus Upper skull

Measures 12-3/4" long x 9-7/8" wide x 6" tall

Weight: 6 pounds 4 oz.



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Walrus lower jaw, turned upside down, carved as a walrus head & neck and full body walruses bas relief on the sides.  Walrus ivory tusks; walrus ivory & whale baleen eyes.

Measures 12" long x 6-1/2" tall x 10" wide; WEIGHT: 8 pounds 7.5 oz.

Signed DHP for Dennis Pungowiyi, Wasilla AK (2016)



ak-wal105a.jpg (127454 bytes) ak-wal105b.jpg (153581 bytes)


EXTREMELY RARE Yearling walrus tusk nose/head wall mount, on fossil whale bone artifact digging tool; tusks 4-1/2" long, skull 9-3/4" long x 5-1/2" wide, scrimshaw whale on one tusk, walrus on the other tusk; digging tool 15" long x 12-1/2" wide; by Harlan Kingeekuk, Savoonga


ak-wal-106.jpg (126677 bytes) ak-wal-106a.jpg (121571 bytes) ak-wal-106b.jpg (143649 bytes)


EXTREMELY RARE Baby walrus tusk nose/head wall mount securely fastened  onto fossil whale vertebrae disk bone with sinew hanger; tusks 6" long, skull 5" long (not including tusks) x 5" wide; disk back is 8-7/8" long x 10-3/4" wide.


ak-wal-107a.jpg (173235 bytes) ak-wal-107b.jpg (160065 bytes) ak-wal-107c.jpg (155049 bytes)


Fossil Juvenile walrus partial jaw/skull with 1 tusk, 2 teeth.  Measures 3-3/8" long x 3" wide x 1-3/4" deep.  Approx. 1000 years old


ak-wal-108a.jpg (171801 bytes) ak-wal-108b.jpg (157174 bytes) ak-wal-108c.jpg (148955 bytes)


Fossil Juvenile walrus partial jaw/skull with 1 tusk, 2 teeth.  Measures 5-1/4" long x 3-1/2" wide x 2" deep.  Approx 1000 years old


ak-wal-109a.jpg (159569 bytes) ak-wal-109b.jpg (168774 bytes) ak-wal-109c.jpg (150658 bytes)


Fossil Juvenile walrus partial jaw/skull with 1 tusk, no other teeth.  Measures 3" long x 2-3/4" wide x 2" deep.  Approx 1000 years old


ak-wal-109a_1.jpg (159573 bytes) ak-wal-109a_2.jpg (158107 bytes) ak-wal-109a_3.jpg (154070 bytes)

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Juvenile fossil walrus partial skull, 3 teeth and tusk.  Superb condition.

Measures 13-5/8" long x 4-1/2" wide x 2-5/8" thick.

Weight: 1 pound 10 ounces

Not worked or signed.  Sinew through drilled hole for hanging.





ak-wal-200a.jpg (172380 bytes) ak-wal-200b.jpg (179259 bytes) ak-wal-200c.jpg (159682 bytes) ak-wal-200d.jpg (157879 bytes) ak-wal-200e.jpg (146928 bytes)

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Walrus tusk with detailed colored scrimshaw of PUFFINS.  Coloring is incredible and tropical.  Marvelous piece!  By Richard Freeman, signed "RF".  On fossil walrus jawbone base (2 pins into base).  Tusk itself measures 12".

Measures 14-3/4" tall x 1-3/8" thick x 4-1/4" wide



ak-wal-201a.jpg (157929 bytes) ak-wal-201b.jpg (154194 bytes) ak-wal-201c.jpg (171322 bytes) ak-wal-201d.jpg (161724 bytes)

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ak-wal-201i.jpg (144760 bytes) ak-wal-201j.jpg (150364 bytes)


Incredibly rare DEFORMED WALRUS TUSK (note bulbous shape, and hole in top), scrimshaw of a detailed sailing ship that fills the entire front.  Signed in felt tip on the bottom of the wood base "DH".  Mounted on slice of moose antler with post, then on a wood base.

Measures 9" tall x 5-1/4" wide x 3-3/4" deep.



ak-wal-202a.jpg (162975 bytes) ak-wal-202b.jpg (168400 bytes) ak-wal-202c.jpg (158196 bytes) ak-wal-202d.jpg (154591 bytes)

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Base (photos of top & bottom)

 ak-wal-202i.jpg (167771 bytes)ak-wal-202j.jpg (161951 bytes)


Walrus tusk with detailed colored (brown and black) textured scrimshaw of NARWHALS.  By Richard Freeman, signed "RF".  Mounted on fossil whale vertebra.  Tusk itself, linear measurement is 17" tall.

Measures 20-3/4" tall x 10" wide x 8-1/2" deep



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ak-wal-203g.jpg (161359 bytes)



Walrus tusk with incredibly detailed scrimshaw of BALD EAGLES.  By Richard Freeman, signed "RF".  Mounted on fossil whale vertebra.

Tusk itself measures 25-1/2" tall x 3/4" wide x 1-3/4" thick.  Overall piece measures 26" tall.  Base itself is 6-1/2" wide x 8" long x 3" tall.



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Full walrus tusk.  Scrimshaw of polar bear head, moose head, caribou half body/head, and husky head.  Measures 18-3/4" long x 1-1/8" tall x 2" wide.  Display stands 3-3/8" tall at the tip.  Two walrus ivory pegs stand the tusk for display.  Signed "SEPAK".

Weight: 1 pound 15 oz.



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Small full walrus tusk.  Measures 12-7/8" long x 2-1/8" tall x 1-7/8" wide. 

Scrimmed with an Eskimo man wearing Raven ceremonial headdress, same man in a kayak paddling in the ocean towards a walrus, and 3 more walrus on an ice floe.  Mounted on two whale baleen pegs, on a slice of walrus tusk.

Weight: 12 ounces

Signed French Kingeekuk



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Section of fossil walrus tusk, sealed on both ends with disks of whale baleen.  Etched full of narwhals, whale baleen inset dots.

Measures 2-3/8" thick x 9" long x 2-1/4" deep.

Weight: 1 pound 10 ounces

Signed: Tungiyan for Robert Tungiyan, Gambell


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Small full walrus tusk, on walrus ivory peg, on fossil woolly mammoth bark chunk & moose antler oval base.  Scrimmed with real talent, Theme:  a howling wolf, 3 wolves closing in on a fighting moose, mountain scenery background.  Signed "R. Miller"

Moose antler oval base below mammoth ivory rough edge chunk

Measures 10-1/2" long x 1-7/8" tall x 1" wide.  Full display is 4-1/2" tall, with base measures 4-7/8” tall.

Weight:  8 ounces


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TUSK IS NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING in Mark's artwork.  Fully carved walrus tusk on both sides, in color.

One side are Eskimo in skin boats, hunting the many walrus on the ice floes, one baleen whale in the distance, beautiful blue ocean and green colors on the ice.  Map on right end with "CCCP" (stands for the old name for Russia "Union of Socialist Republics") boundary on one side and CWA on the other (meaning USA).  Towns are listed in Russian language on the land mass.  Decorative edging on the large end.

On reverse, herd of Dall sheep on a cliff overlooking ice with seals and polar bear, walruses swimming and diving.  Right side is a large herd of caribou playing and feeding and fighting with low hills in the distance.  Large numbers of birds flying in the sky and perched on the outcroppings.  Beautiful grays, greens, golden and brown colors on this side.  Texturing technique is superb.

Measures 24-7/8" long x 2-7/8" tall x 1-1/2" thick.

Weight: 2 pounds 14 ounces

Signed on end in Cyrillic "Hyuaurpah - 91, C-3, Mark Cebepa, B. Makaakob

Mark Cebepa to be the Russian Eskimo artist who created this beautiful work of art.




Full walrus tusk measuring 25” long x 3” wide x 1-3/4” deep

Bowhead whale etched into side with open end, measures 5-1/2” long

U.S. fish tag attached to open end

Signed J. Akeye (Joseph Akeya), Savoonga, St Lawrence Island Alaska

Weight: 5 pounds 15.7 ounces

$928 SOLD




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Fossil walrus tusk, complete

Punuk era, 2000+ years old



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Acquired separately from the above, but also on St. Lawrence Island (they are almost TWINS).  COMPLETE fossilized walrus tusk.  Punuk era, 2000+ years old.  Measures 27-1/2" long x 2-1/2" tall x 1-7/8" thick

Weight: 4 pounds 4 ounces

$3000  SOLD





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This ONE OF A KIND EXQUISITELY CARVED WALRUS SKULL with eight detailed walrus carvings carved in bas relief all over the skull; weighs 16.5 pounds, measures from wall 16-1/2" (if hung on wall, but not recommended), 10-1/2" tall x 11" wide. Board mount on back.

SIGNED "EL" by renowned Northwest artist Eddie Lee, known as the Master Sculptor from Seattle.  Comes with Certificate of Authenticity.Certainly one of the largest pieces done by Eddie Lee.  A phenomenal piece.

His work is highly respected by collectors. In his own words, "Recreating the forms of Nature by using her basic elements is my way of celebrating and sharing the many gifts she has given me."


FedEx Ground Shipping & Insurance Free in the contiguous United States.  Please inquire for shipping to non-contiguous United States only.



EDDIE LEE, artist

Born in the Emerald City of Nha-Trang, South Vietnam in 1960, he left Saigon in 1978 with a young man's heart.  He found a permanent, spiritual home in the great Pacific Northwest.  With no "great plan" and great determination to survive, Eddie privately created his art, never imagining that his passion for art would merge with his profession in such a spectacular fashion.  It was age 14 that Eddie began expressing his own creativity through nature.  As a Boy Scout, he spent hours in nature sketching and carving what he saw.

Settling in Seattle in 1979, Eddie became an American citizen and traveled extensively to seek inspiration among the indigenous people of Alaska and North Pacific Coast.  In the past 20 years, he has devoted most of his time to researching traditional native art forms and creating his own extraordinary impressions.

Every piece created by Eddie is an original, painstakingly hand-crafted by him.  He loves to work with soapstone and alabaster and collects his rough material from all over the world.  He also uses unusual media for his carvings, including fossilized walrus, woolly mammoth bone and ivory dug by native people of the Siberia and Bering Sea areas.

In 1983, Eddie established his own gallery in Seattle's Pioneer Square, becoming widely respected by art lovers and collectors from all around the world.  He has been featured in a 15-minute prime time feature on Seattle's KIRO Eyewitness News, and a 20-minute prime time feature on Seattle's PBS station.

In his own words, "Recreating the forms of Mother Nature by using her basic elements is my way of celebrating and sharing the many gifts she has given me".






Here is an acquisition that is quite unusual - it is a 10,000 year old walrus tusk from Alaska that has been hand carved (in Bali) on the top into 20 hammerhead sharks that are all still attached.  Exquisite carving is without flaw...here it is from the back, then the front:

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and from the other side:

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and on the ebony and inlaid paua shell base that makes it look like a shark from above.  It also has its own carrying case (hand made; not shown)

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This special item is part of our personal collection.

VALUE:  $22,000  SOLD



Carved of Walrus ivory unless otherwise indicated

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Beluga whale on baleen base & post; signed G.O. (Gordon Osevaseuk), Gambell; 1-3/4" long x 3/4" wide x 1-1/4" tall


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Beluga whale on baleen base & post; signed G.O. (Gordon Osevaseuk), Gambell; 1-3/4" long x 5/8" wide x 1-1/2" tall

$98  SOLD

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Beluga whale; signed G.O. (Gordon Osevaseuk), Gambell; 2-1/4" long x 1" wide x 1/2" tall

$105  SOLD

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Beluga whale; signed; Reggie Aningayou, Gambell

3" long x 1-1/8" wide x 5/8" tall

$110  SOLD

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Beluga whale on ivory base, baleen post; signed M KUL for M. Kulowiyi; 2" long x 1/2" wide x 1-1/8" tall


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Two beluga whales (one gorgeous color fossil walrus ivory 2-1/2" long, other modern walrus ivory 1-5/8" long) on textured ivory base, baleen posts; signed Quentin Oseuk; 1-3/4" wide x 1-1/8" tall

$160  SOLD

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Three beluga whales (1-5/8" long each) on walrus fossil bone base; signed Andrew Rookok; 2-5/8" wide x 1-7/8" tall


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Beluga whale on ivory base, baleen post; signed Quentin Oseuk; 3" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall


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Beluga whale on ivory base, baleen peg; signed Quentin Oseuk; 4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-3/4" tall

$245 SOLD-J

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Narwhal on ivory base, baleen post & tusk; signed Andrew Rookok, Savoonga; 2-3/4" long x 5/8" wide x 1-1/4" tall

$105  SOLD

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Narwhal on fossil walrus tooth base, baleen tusk; signed Andrew Rookok; 2-7/8" linear long x 5/8" wide x 2-3/8" tall


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Narwhal on ivory base, baleen peg, fossil ivory tusk; signed Daniel Kiyi; 4-1/2" long x 3/4" wide x 1-1/4" tall

$225  SOLD

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Sperm whale (walrus ivory) on walrus ivory ivory base, baleen peg; not signed; 3" long x 1-1/8" wide x 2-1/8" tall

$225  SOLD

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Bowhead whale of fossil stellar sea cow rib bone, on base of same material; baleen post; signed Lester Napahatook, Gambell; 4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall

$160  SOLD

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Mother Bowhead whale (2-1/2" long) with calf (1-5/8" long), on baleen whale shaped base (5-1/2" long x 2-1/2" wide); signed by Harrison Miklahook, Gambell; 1-1/2" tall

$315  SOLD


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Fat bowhead whale, by Dennis James Jr., Gambell; 3" long x 7/8" wide x 1-1/2" tall

$215  SOLD

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Bowhead whale graceful side swimming, on ivory base & peg; signed Stanley Rookok; 3-1/8" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall

$210  SOLD

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Bowhead whale with mouth opening, signed by Quentin Oseuk; 3-1/2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1" tall

$220  SOLD

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Bowhead whale swimming side tilted, on ivory base & baleen peg, signed by Daniel Kiyi; 3" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-3/8" tall


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Bowhead whale on fossil Stellar Sea cow bone base, walrus whisker peg, signed CS for Charles Slwooko; 2-3/4" long x 1" wide x 1-3/8" tall

$160  SOLD

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Bowhead whale with mouth opening on textured ivory base, baleen peg, signed by Quentin Oseuk; 2-3/4" long x 7/8" wide x 1-1/4" tall

 $190  SOLD

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Bowhead whale, no signature; 2-1/2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 3/4" tall

$120  SOLD

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Bowhead whale on ivory base, signed by Peter Waghiyi, Savoonga; 2-1/4" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-1/4" tall


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Bowhead whale, signed Oosevaseuk (Gambell); 2-1/4" long x 7/8" wide x 1/2" tall

$85  SOLD

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Fossil bowhead whale in whale bone, signed Darin Slwooko; 4-3/4" linear long, x 2" wide x 1-7/8" tall



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Bowhead whale in baleen, baleen base & post; white ivory dust mouths & eyes, signed "R" for Hogarth Kingeekuk, Savoonga; 6" tall x 2" wide base x 7" linear length

$180  SOLD

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Bowhead whale in fossil stellar sea cow, on fossil seal flipper bone; signed LAA for Larry Aningayou, Gambell; 4-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 2-1/8" tall

$160  SOLD

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(Extremely difficult to come by); Fossil whale ear bone, scrimshaw of bowhead whale; by Alvin Aningayou, Gambell; 7" long x 4-1/2" wide x 3-3/4" tall

$875  SOLD

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Two beluga whales mother & calf (2-1/2", and 2") in fossil ivory, excellent color, on a fossil ivory half round tusk base with dot designed bas relief beluga whale on both sides (3 dots are through the ivory) 3" long x 1-1/4" wide; signed by D.U. (Davis Uglowook, Gambell

$195  SOLD

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Double ORCA KILLER WHALES in baleen, on fossil Stellar sea cow bone base; by Keith Kaningook, Gambell; measures 6-1/2" long x 1" wide x 5" tall

$235  SOLD

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Walrus ivory tusk carved into bowhead whale; side fins & tail added separately

Whale Measures: 16" long x 5-3/8" wide fin to fin, 1-3/4" wide whale itself, x 2-1/2" tall whale body itself, 6-1/4" tall on base.

Carving by Lee Milot (etched in bottom); note the detail in the baleen mouth, the textured underside of the mouth, the eye made of baleen, twin blow holes, etc. on a beautiful wood peg & base.

Colored Scrimshaw by Karen Lee Cormack (signed below scrimshaw) in blue and black, detailed close-up of two whale plus the tail of another, 2nd scrim of a whaling ship and 5 whales cavorting in the sea.  Exquisite.

On wood post & base


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Fossil walrus ivory BOWHEAD WHALE (highly desirable coloring), on associated piece of tusk base.  Measures 2-1/2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-1/2" tall.  Gloria Kulowiyi, Savoonga


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Fossil ivory Bowhead whale, baleen stand, fossil walrus ivory base.  Measures 3" long x 1-5/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall.  By Wm H Jr.


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Extra large whale ear bone with whale scrimshaw.  Measures 5-3/4" long x 4-1/4" wide x 3-7/8" tall.  Myers Aningayou


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Blue Whale carved from sperm whale tooth, on ivory and wood bases. This is an old Russian piece.  Measures 4" long x 7/8" wide x 3/4" deep; base is 2-1/2" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1" tall.  No signature


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Blue Whale carved from sperm whale tooth, on ivory and wood bases. This is an old Russian piece. Measures 4-1/8" long x 1" wide x 7/8" thick; base is 2-3/8" long x 1-3/8" wide x 7/8" tall.  Removable from pin on base.  Base is bone & wood.  No signature


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Fossil walrus ivory narwhal (desirable color!) with matching tusk, on curve of walrus tusk base.  Measures 4-1/4" long x 2" wide x 1-1/2" tall.  "Lester Napahatook"


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Detailed narwhal (walrus ivory, with baleen inlaid dots), baleen tusk & post, on walrus ivory peanut texture base. Measures 3-1/2" long x 1" wide x 1" tall.  Quentin Oseuk

$225  SOLD-J

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Blue Whale carved from sperm whale tooth, on ivory and wood bases. This is an old Russian piece. Measures 3-1/4" long x 5/8" wide x 1/2" tall; base is 2-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 3/4" tall.  No signature


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Detailed large narwhal (walrus ivory, baleen inlaid dots), baleen tusk & post, on whale bone base.
Whale measures 7" long x 2-3/4" wide x 1" tall; base measures 2-3/8" diameter x 2-1/2" tall.

$430  SOLD

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Double beluga whales (one fossil walrus ivory DESIRABLE COLOR, one modern white walrus ivory), baleen pegs, on peanut textured walrus ivory base. Measures 1-5/8" wide x 1-3/8" long x 1" tall.  Quentin Oseuk


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Small whale ear bone scrimmed with bowhead whale.  Measures 5-5/8" long x 3" wide x 2-7/8" tall.  Myers Aningayou


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Killer whale in whale baleen (etched for details), on fossil stellar sea cow bone base. Measures 5-7/8" long x 4-3/4" wide x 1/8" thick.  "K. Kaningook"

$215 SOLD to L

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Double small Beluga whales carved of fossil Stellar sea cow bone, on Stellar sea cow bone base, pegs of whale baleen, eyes inlaid baleen.  Measures 2-3/8" long x 2" deep x 2-3/8" tall.  Signed "Joe N".


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Medium Beluga whale on its head, carved of fossil Stellar sea cow bone, inlaid whale baleen eyes.  Measures 3" tall x 1-1/2" wide x 1-1/4" deep.  Signed "JW" on bottom.


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Medium Beluga whale on its head, carved of fossil Stellar sea cow bone, inlaid whale baleen eyes.  Measures 3-1/8" tall x 1-7/8" wide x 1-1/8" deep


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Medium Beluga whale on its head, carved of fossil walrus cheek bone.  Measures 2-3/4" tall x 1" wide x 2" deep.  Signed "JW"


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Beluga whale (fossil walrus ivory, whale baleen inlaid eyes); baleen peg, fossil walrus ivory base.  Repaired side fin, unpolished part of underside.  Priced accordingly.  Measures 3-3/4" long x 2" wide x 7/8" tall.  Base itself is 2-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1/4" tall.  Signed "Moses S" for Soonagrook, Gambell.

$95  SOLD


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Beluga whale (fossil walrus cheek bone, whale baleen inlaid eyes; baleen peg, musk ox horn slice base).  Measures 3-3/8" long x 1-3/8" wide x 1-5/8" tall.  Base itself is 1-1/2" long x 1-3/8" wide x 3/8" tall.  Signed "Jason Kaningok", Anchorage



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Bowhead whale, carved from fossil walrus cheek bone.  Measures 4-5/8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall.  Signed "Darin Slwooko", Gambell



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Bowhead whale (fossil walrus ivory, beautiful color), on baleen peg, on walrus tusk ivory chunk base.  Measures 3-1/2" long x 3/4" wide x 1-5/8" tall.  Base itself is 1-1/4" long x 1" wide x 1/2" tall.  Signed "D.U." for Davis Uglawook, Gambell

$185  SOLD


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Bowhead whale, mouth open (carved from fossil wlarus ivory, whale baleen eyes and double blow spouts), on baleen peg, on fossil walrus ivory base.  Measures 2-3/8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 1-1/2" tall.  Base itself measures 1-5/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 3/8" tall.  Signed "Andrew Rookok, Savoonga".



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Beluga whale, carved from fossil whale cheek bone, on baleen peg, on fossil walrus ivory base.  Measures 3-7/8" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1-3/4" tall.  Base itself measures 2-1/4" long x 1-1/8" wide x 1/4" tall.  Signed "C. B. Oozeva" for Carson Oozeva, Anchorage

$150  SOLD


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Bowhead whale, base relief on fossil whale cheek bone, framed by two seal claws, on whale baleen base.  Measures 4-1/4" long x 5/8" wide x 2" tall.  Base itself is 4-1/4" long x 5/8" wide x 1/4" tall.  Signed "C. B. Oozeva Sr." for Carson Sr., Anchorage



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Beautiful Killer whale (orca), tail down, carved in walrus ivory, hand painted.  Mounted on walrus ivory peg, on fossil walrus ivory base.  Measures 3-3/8" long x 1-1/8" wide x 2" tall.  Base itself is 7/8" long x 5/8" wide x 1/4" tall.  Signed "Joe Iya", Savoonga

$270  SOLD


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Bowhead whale facing down, carved from fossil walrus ivory.  Narrow but beautifully balanced.  Measures 1-5/8" long x 1-3/4" wide x 4-5/8" tall.  Signed "Ukaghhani" for Dennis James Jr., Gambell



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Large bowhead whale, carved using a LOT OF WALRUS IVORY!  Measures 5-7/8" long x 1-5/8" wide x 2-1/2" tall.  Signed "Ukaghhani" for Dennis James Jr., Gambell

Weight: 14 ounces.

$895 SOLD to Anthony 

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Large Bowhead whale, carved using A LOT OF WALRUS IVORY!  Measures 6-3/8" long x 3-1/2" wide x 2-1/2" tall.  Base itself measures 6-3/4" long x 1/2" wide x 1" tall.  Signed "J.I." for Jason Iya, Savoonga

Weight: 1 lb, 3 ounces



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Large Beluga whale, carved from fossil walrus cheek bone.  Mounted on a baleen peg, on a fossil walrus cheek bone base.  Measures 8-1/4" long x 2-3/8" wide x 3-1/4" tall.  Base itself measures 2-3/8" long x 1-1/4" wide x 1/4" tall.  Signed "Jason Kaningok", Anchorage.

Weight: 11 ounces.



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Killer whale (orca) carved of walrus ivory and hand painted. Mounted on thin slice of fossil whale bone base in rounded triangular shaped, hole drilled at the top of the point for hanging.  Measures 6-1/8" long x 3" tall x 1/4" wide.  Base itself measures 7-5/8" long x 5-1/8" tall x 1/4" wide.  Signed "Clyde Rookok" with address.



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BEAUTIFUL WORK! Large narwhal carved of fossil whale cheek bone, with inlaid whale baleen dots and eyes, whale baleen tooth, on whale baleen peg, on fossil whale vertebrae base.  Measures 9-3/8" long x 2-3/4" tall x 2-1/8" wide.  Base measures 3" long x 2" wide x 1-1/2" tall.  Signed "R.T." for Robert Tungiyan, Gambell



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LARGE blue whale, tail sideways against body, with calf at its side. Carved of solid walrus tusk ivory, whale baleen inset eyes, mounted on a fossil walrus ivory textured base. Side fins are glued in (separate pieces).  Full display measures 17-1/2" long x 7" tall x 4-3/4" wide.

Calf measures 4" long x 3/4" wide x 1" tall

Weight: 2 pounds 15 ounces

Signed "Lee Milot" on bottom of base.





Played by holding the tab, letting the two yo-yos hang down, then with a quick upward jerk you get the yo-yos to hit each other above your hand, then below your hand, repeat.



Small seal skin yo-yo with sinew and baleen center tab, ivory color leather ends (unknown leather), measure 1-5/8" diameter x 1-5/8" tall.  Sinew measures 18" one side, 21" other side, baleen tab 2-1/8" long.  Made by Bertha Leavitt, Barrow Alaska




Ivory colored (baby) vintage seal skin 3 piece yo-yos, 3rd side sis a brown suede.  Measures 2-3/8" long x 1-7/8" wide x 1-1/2" deep.  Braided cotton cord measures 15" long one side, 7-1/4" other side.  Sealskin tab measures 2-1/2" long.  Unknown seamstress.




Here is a small selection of the artwork we brought back that is in our personal collection, or gifted to friends. 

Another small piece of mammoth ivory carved into a bear, this became a gift for our friend Harry

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Fossil Stellar Sea cow bone, dense as ivory, great for knife handles or superior carving

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A hairbrush for bald men, made of fur - just for you, Frank!

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Three boxes carved of burl wood, Alaskan made

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An octopus carved from labradorite

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"Bou buds" made from caribou fur as rosebuds

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A unique salmon leather wallet Heidi purchased in Anchorage:

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One of Heidi's favorites, a unique box made entirely of whale baleen, with an ivory polar bear finial, by Whitlam Adams of Barrow Alaska


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